City of Glenwood Springs Residential Trash and Recycling Service
City of Glenwood Springs
The city of Glenwood Springs approved a single trash hauling contract to provide residential trash and recycling service starting November 1, 2023.
PAYT (Pay As You Throw)
The new City of Glenwood Springs trash and recycling program, Pay as You Throw (PAYT) begins on November 1st. PAYT will be billed monthly on water bills beginning in November.
Visit cogs.us/PAYT for more information or contact Luisa Sanchez by phone at 970-384-6426, by email at [email protected], or in-person at City Hall during business hours, Mondays-Thursdays, 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.
Benefits of PAYT
- Less truck traffic in town (safer streets, less exhaust fumes, protects neighborhood character)
- Less damage to our streets (a single trip from a trash truck causes the same damage as 9,000 passenger vehicle tips on our roads)
- Less greenhouse gas emissions (from trash trucks and individual trips for household disposal at the recycle center and landfill)
- More convenient access to recycling (curbside is part of every person’s service)
- Better control and oversight of what happens to recycling (quarterly reports, contamination prevention)
- Incentives to reduce overall waste (the less you waste, the less you spend)
- Preservation of diversion programs such as the Recycle Center, Hazardous Waste Drop-Off, Yard-Waste/Leaves/Tree Drop-off
Future Impact of PAYT
- Help extend the life of our landfill (70% to 80% of the material we're throwing away could be recycled in existing recycling and composting programs)
- Delays the need for costly expansions (which will have steep cost increases for everyone) and makes it more feasible to do smaller-scale expansions at the landfill.
- Optimizes Glenwood’s position to be prepared to access funding mechanisms from the Producer Responsibility Program for Statewide Recycling Act when they are ready in 2026/2027
Trash pickup is from 7 AM to 7 PM unless impacted by a holiday. Please have your carts out by 7 AM on your collection day. Your recycling day is the same as your trash pick-up day and will be picked up every other week based on if you are in an A-week or B-week zone.
Collection will occur at the curb or alley line depending on the customer’s property and current service location. Please leave at least 3 feet of space between carts. Containers should sit as close to where trucks will pick up the carts without blocking sidewalks or travel lanes. Make sure your lids are closed to avoid overflow fees ($12.72 per occurrence).
November 1-3 is a B-week and November 6-10 is an A-week. Weeks will continue to alternate between A-week and B-week for every other week recycling pick-up.
If you have Super Saver trash, your pick-up day will be on the same week as recycling services in your area.
If your normal pick-up day falls on or after the holiday within the same week, your pick-up will be one day later (Monday will be Tuesday and so on and Friday will be Saturday). If your pick-up day is before a holiday within the same week, your pick-up day will be the same.
- Monday – West Glenwood to Traver Trail
- Tuesday – West of the Roaring Fork River from Woodberry Dr. south
- Wednesday – East of the Roaring Fork River from 14th Street south
- Thursday – East of CO-82, 7th Street to 14th Street
- Friday – North Glenwood (Devereux Rd to Vapor Caves, north of I-70), West Downtown (west of CO-82, 7th to 14th), and west of the Roaring Fork River (Community Center to 2308 Midland Ave.)

Single-stream, Curbside Recycling
The PAYT recycling carts are single-stream (no need to separate recycling items). Leave recycling unbagged. Like your trash cart, you'll always want to be able to close the lid (no cardboard stacked next to your cart). Recycling containers are for recyclables only. If there is trash in your recycling cart, it will not be emptied.
Recyclables should be dry and free of most food waste before you place them in your recycling container, but they don’t need to be spotless. The goal is to make sure they are clean enough to avoid contaminating other materials, like paper.
Download your recycling guide here!
Recyclable Guidelines Spanish | Recyclable Guidelines English
In the curbside recycling, customers may recycle the following items:
- Aluminum cans (do not crush)
- Steel or tin cans (rinsed)
- Corrugated cardboard (flattened)
- Chipboard (cereal and tissue boxes)
- Newspapers (including inserts)
- Mixed paper
- Bulk or junk mail
- Magazines
- Office paper
- Phone books
- Brown paper bags
- Plastics #1-6 (if not labeled, do not recycle; No PLA)
- Plastic milk jug
- Detergent bottles
- Glass bottles and jars (rinsed)
Reminders and Details
- After services begin, residents will be able to change the size of service once for free during the first 60 days until December 28, 2023.
- Any applicable residences that did not complete enrollment have been automatically enrolled at the default level which is the medium trash with medium recycling option ($25.44 per month).
- Monthly cost is based on the size of your trash bin. Single-stream recycling service every other week is included in the price. View the PAYT pricing table and fees schedule.
- All short-term rentals within the city limits of Glenwood Springs (properties that are rented for less than 30 consecutive days) are required to have the large trash level.