Town of Carbondale Residential Trash and Recycling Services

Town of Carbondale

Mountain Waste & Recycling proudly serves the community of Carbondale with residential trash pickup and recycling services.

Setting up services:

Carbondale residents can enroll in trash pickup and recycling services in 2 ways:

​ ​ ​ ​ ​ 1) On the Town of Carbondale website

​ ​ ​ ​ ​ 2) In person at Town Hall (Weekdays 9 AM-4 PM)

If you have additional questions please email​ or call the Town of Carbondale Trash Hauling Services Department at 970-510-1202.

Additional Information:


Frequently asked questions about new residential trash and recycling services:

Are you still uncertain about sizing, pricing, or other details? Contact one of our professionals to get more information regarding which option is the best for you.

Call us today

Map & Collection Days

Collection Schedule

Residential trash pick-up occurs weekly on Tuesdays.

If you have the Super Saver option, your trash collection day is the same as your recycle collection day. Please have containers curbside no later than 7 a.m. on pickup day. All lids should be completely closed. For more information, please call us at 970-510-1202.

Container Sizes

Container Sizes

Choose the right container for your waste disposal needs.

Please note: You will be charged a $25 fine per instance that your trash or recyclable material is overflowing from your container and your container lid is not completely closed.

What We Recycle

Download your recycling guide here!

Recyclable Guidelines Spanish​​ | Recyclable Guidelines English

We are committed to doing our part for the planet by providing affordable, convenient recycling services.

Helpful Tips on Recycling Certain Products:

Unsure whether an item is recyclable? Here are some quick rules of thumb to consider for each type of material many would consider recyclable:

Plastics: Only recycle plastic bottles and tubs. This is typically a #1 through #7 plastic and only pertains to the bottles and tubs. Here are some examples of plastic bottles that are okay to recycle:​ ​ ​ ​ ​
• Soda, water and juice bottles​ ​ ​ ​ ​
• Liquid detergent and other cleaning supply bottles​ ​ ​ ​ ​
• Condiment bottles (ketchup, mustard, etc.)​ ​ ​ ​ ​
• Milk jugs and orange juice jugs (no paper cartons)​ ​ ​ ​ ​
• Shampoo bottles and liquid soap dispensers​ ​ ​ ​ ​
• Peanut butter jars (please rinse out)​ ​ ​ ​ ​
• Butter and yogurt tubs

Steel: Please make sure any aerosol cans are completely empty. This includes containers such as shaving cream and hairspray cans. Labels are okay.

Office Paper: All types of office paper are accepted. If you can tear it, we can take it. All colors are fine as well. Don’t worry about paper clips, staples, tape, and sticky notes. These are all okay in the mix. NO TYVEK (polyethylene fiber) plastic or overnight mailing folders.

Bulk or Junk Mail: This material is okay as well. Do not worry about any stamps or staples or sticky notes in this material, either. Remember, if you can tear it, we can take it. Again, NO TYVEK (polyethylene fiber) plastic or overnight mailing folders.

Magazines, Catalogs, Phone Books: Please discard plastic bags around these items and items such as CDs and magnets. Everything else is acceptable.

View a graphic with our Single Stream Recycling Guidelines

With Single-Stream Recycling You No Longer Have to Sort

With single-stream recycling, it’s easy for residents to make recycling part of their daily routine! All recycling can be placed in one container, and sorting takes place at the recycling plant. Thank you for recycling!

We know that every dollar counts! With rural mountain life comes a higher cost of living. We work diligently to keep our costs down in what is arguably the toughest physical environment for a waste management company like ours to thrive. Our distance from population centers impacts the cost of our services, because we are miles away from materials processing centers. Our loads of recycling are regularly transported at least 60 miles away to the nearest sorting facility. These locations charge a fee to deposit recycling materials, based on weight.

The challenges of transportation in high-mountain rural Colorado impact our trash and recycle service fees. When you pay for our services, your money stays right here in Colorado. It keeps local people employed.

Super Saver Info

This is a service for only a few people that have very little trash each week.

Details: 32 gallon container – collected every other week – holds 2 bags of trash which is less than 1 bag of trash per week.

**The perils of choosing this option is that is if your lid doesn’t close on the day of collection a $25 fine per episode will be assessed by the Town of Carbondale. So if you go over twice in a year, then you have already surpassed the savings from choosing this option.**


Thisha McBride


Office Hours: Monday through Friday 9 AM to 4 PM